Available works below
Welcome to my paintings page on my Laser Art website…I have always had a wide range of subjects that keep coming out of my studios. The large faces on this page join a long list of vaporous studies Ive been exploring for the past 20 years.
They represent the most subtle aspects of my art, while the animals lately are all about the force of nature and and capturing the raw power on canvas. The Aliens are experimental at the moment, at least for me, you are the first to see them. The taboo nature of them feels refreshing to me at the same time globally we are waking up to the subject…
These pieces are still fresh and may slightly change due to the nature of the studio…finer details, subtle color balances may evolve during final finish…as well the camera misses detail and subtlety….
If anything strikes you, let me know…
Commissions are also welcomed, throw out a subject to me, and a size, and I can give you a quote…
Shipping not included…
You can see a bunch more work at bradnobleart.com
RED RHINO 2022- Oil on fabric/framed 53in x 41in US $2,500 This is a bold, vibrant and alarming red combo painting of the endangered White Rhino. stretched directly to the frame...
B Rose 2020 Oil on canvas 36in x 36in’ US $2500. This painting came from the need for something sweet. Painted during lockdown to counteract the bad mojo that year was...
HIERARCHICAL RED 2022 Oil on canvas, 36in x 48in US $2500 Red that only the naked eye can see. The top face is the bolder alter ego in florescent red. Bolder than the sensors on the camera can capture...Vaporous Bold
Contemplative Space- 2022 Oil on canvas, 78in x 66in. US $10,000 Whisper for your eyes, a presence of peace on a grand scale. These vapor faces are all about the in person and up close experience we all share with others in intimate proximity. They are meant to be felt like a subtle memory as your eyes focus...
VAPOROUS PENNY - Oil on canvas - 6' x 5’ - US $10,000 - A soft whisper for the eyes creating a nearly there observer…Penelope, my daughter posed for this, layers of white over a subtle baby blue, androgynous essence with open eyes...
Pinkish Rose 6ft x 5ft oil on canvas 2022 Inquisitive youth, soft defiance...
Earthly Lineage 2019 Oil on canvas/framed 88in x 64in $10,000 Painted in Weehawken NJ, a vaporous contradiction of harsh subtlties.
White Washed 2022. oil on cavas 5000.$ very subtle nudity, vulnerability and on the line, everyone is taking the bath together.
Lapping mixed media on paper. 2023 18in x 18in... cut out 2500.
ANCIENT ONE LEONARDO 2023. Oil on canvas 24in x 30in US $5,000 da Vinci Alien...like the Mona Lisa her beauty is out of this world...Aliens have always been The most fascinating subject, the belief alone is controversial and may never be understood...I'm painting them as tho they are accepted and members of a society, brothers and sisters, here all along...
ANCIENT 1, nod to Rem. 2023 Oil on canvas 36in x 60in. US $5,000 Rembrandt Alien. clearly not a subject Rembrandt painted but if he did...
Rembrandt 2 oil on canvas 2023. 2500$ Just an ancient alien being observing...I love the freedom of painting a subject that only exists right here...getting lost in the folds of an alien world...
BLUE/RED Lincoln Center 2018 enamel on poly/ 2 layer. 48in x 60in. $5000. comes with video as proof of process and an NFT. This painting was done by the hands of over 100 different people at Lincoln Center NYC, for 2 days...It was laser guided by Brad as he co-created it live with the crowd...
Velocity Sketchbook: Brown Hair
BY AOE’s Co-Founder, Brad Noble
This is a digital stroke-by-stroke sketch recording.
From the first mark during the sketch stage, to the blending and softening in the end, artist B. Noble takes you along for the journey as he meditates on the forms of a face.
Follow along if you like or just watch as it slowly takes shape, changes gender, expression and evolves till the end... total run time 20 minutes .
Velocity Sketchbook: Brown Eyes Closed
BY AOE’s Co-Founder, Brad Noble
This is a digital stroke-by-stroke sketch recording.
From the first mark during the sketch stage, to the blending and softening in the end, artist B. Noble takes you along for the journey as he meditates on the forms of a face.
Follow along if you like or just watch as it slowly takes shape, changes gender, expression and evolves till the end...
total run time 45 min
BY AOE’s Co-Founder, Brad Noble
Gender Balance oil on canvas , 2002 by artist Brad Noble. This painting represents the balance of gender identities within each of us.
The contrast of blue dominating throughout the piece, pierced by the atmospheric sun, the male figure is heavier than the female engendering the idea that there is a pendulum effect within the gender of souls.
Year Created
Deep Blue
BY AOE’s Co-Founder, Brad Noble
Deep Blue is an oil painting from artist Brad Noble, painted from 1998-99. Humanity out its depth.
Year created
Los Angeles